In the event your team needs to forfeit, please notify the Active Basketball Association as soon as possible.
Outside of 48 hours: Email basketball@gateway.asn.au
Inside of 48 hours: Text Jacob on 0400 288 489.
Penalties for forfeiting
If the forfeiting team gives more than twenty-four hours notice, they will still be required to pay their team sheet for the missed game.
If the forfeiting team gives less than twenty-four hours notice or no notice at all, they will be required to pay their team sheet as well as the team sheet for the opposing team for the game missed.
Unless pre-arranged beforehand, forfeit payments must be made prior to the beginning of the forfeiting team’s next game.
In some cases, with enough notice, the ABA may be able to reschedule the night so rental and referring costs can be avoided. If you are interested in an exemption from forfeit fees, send an email to basketball@gateway.asn.au no less than fourteen days prior to the date of the match to be forfeited and the ABA will endeavour to rework the schedule. If possible, the forfeit fee will be waived.
Additional information
A match may commence when a team has a minimum of four players present.
A forfeit occurs when one or both teams fail to take the court after 10 minutes have elapsed on the time clock.
In the case of a forfeit by one team, the result of the match shall be a win in favour of the team that was ready to play.
In the case of a forfeit by both teams, ie ‘double forfeit’, the result of the match shall be a double forfeit.